Gratitude Healthy: 10 Reasons Why Being Thankful Is Good For You:
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive. Find a way to be thankful for your troubles.
A garden of gratitude.
A garden of gratitude.
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Gratitude Coach.
What good is gratitude? 1.Gratitude allows us to celebrate the present. 2.Gratitude blocks toxic, negative emotions, such as envy, resentment, regret— emotions that can destroy our happiness. 3.Grateful people are more stress resistant. 4.Grateful people have a higher sense of self-worth.
Just because gratitude is good does not mean it’s always easy.
Partly because these challenges to gratitude can be so difficult to overcome, I get asked a lot about how we can go beyond just occasionally feeling more grateful to actually becoming a more grateful person.
If you find that you have to put a lot of conscious effort into practicing gratitude, allow me to help you.
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and needless to say ...but we say it anyway: A BIG THANK YOU!
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Be Thankful.
“I lift mine arms with thanks for this priceless gift of a new day. I am indeed a fortunate man and today’s hours are but a bonus, undeserved. Why have I been allowed to live this extra day when others, far better than I have departed?
I am thankful for the opportunities I have been given. I am thankful for the failures and setbacks which have made me stronger, and into the person I am today. I am thankful for all the support my friends and family give me.
I am thankful for my life, my memories, my experiences and the path ahead of me. I will not dwell on what I desire – I will be thankful for what I have.”
– adapted from The Greatest Salesman In The World by Og Mandino.
The Unpopular Girl in Womanhood: A Lesson in Gratitude
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Keep A Gratitude Journal!

The first thing to do is get a notebook. The whole point of this exercise is to feel good about yourself and your life.
**My Desert Cottage**: My attitude of gratitude
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and start your today by writing: I am grateful for today because...........
and start your today by writing: I am grateful for today because...........
Attitude of Gratitude Reduces Workplace Burnout
Attitude of Gratitude Reduces Workplace Burnout:

Start Your Own Gratitude Journal. Write down five things you are grateful for each day in your Gratitude Journal and your life will change forever. Do this for at least one month.
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